The educational resources you purchase here at Classrooms of Wonder are digital downloads. Unlike a physical product, you are unable to return a digital file once you’ve downloaded it. For that reason, all sales of digital resources are considered final and non-refundable.
There are a few exceptions to this and if your purchase falls into one of the exceptions listed below, you may be eligible for a refund:
Incomplete Resource File
Misrepresentation in description
Duplicate Purchase
Refund requests must be submitted within 7 days of your purchase. If your purchase meets these guidelines, you can submit a refund request to All refund requests are subject to review and may be denied.
As part of your request, be sure to include the resource name, your concerns about the resource, and any specific examples or details you might have. Screenshots welcome!
Digital products must be downloaded within 30 days of purchase, after which the links will expire.